FAQ: Hardware Services

Frequently asked questions about Electric's hardware services.

Updated over a week ago


This article provides answers to commonly asked questions about the hardware services provided by Electric.

Computer Repairs

Does Electric offer computer repairs?

Electric's scope of support for computer repairs varies based on device manufacturer. You can learn about the computer repair process here.

Can Electric coordinate International repairs?

At this time, we are unable to coordinate international repairs. This is due to varying warranty coverages in different regions, as well as possible language barriers.

What is the estimated cost(s) associated with computer repairs?

Costs may vary based on factors including manufacturer, warranty, and repairs required. The manufacturer will provide a quote to approve before any repair is performed.

Can Electric use the credit card on file to pay the manufacturer for repairs?

No, the repair must be paid for by the approver.

Computer Recycling

Does Electric offer computer recycling?

Yes, Electric has a partnership with Revivn to offer recycling services. You can learn about the recycling process here.

I prefer to recycle the device(s) on my own. Can Electric help me?

Yes Electric can provide a link to our partner, Revivn. Customers should use this link to contact Revivn to coordinate pick-up of the device(s) directly. Revivn will require the customer to create an account before recycling any device(s). Revivn will not perform recycling pick-ups from customer locations if <10 devices are being recycled.

Data Recovery Services

Does Electric perform data recovery services?

No, data recovery services are not offered at this time; neither in-house nor via outsourcing.

Hardware Upgrades

Does Electric perform hardware upgrades?

No, we do not offer any hardware upgrades. Doing so may void the existing warranty or warranty support from the manufacturer. Electric’s recommendation is to replace a device with a new, more capable, and potentially more cost-effective, device.

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