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Google (Gmail) Offboarding Process


When an Offboarding Request is submitted through Turbine, a SaaS Support Specialist will ensure that the departing employee’s access to email, chat, and Electric-supported applications is revoked. Below is an outline of Electric’s process for Google Offboardings.

Process Overview

  • If indicated on the Offboarding Request, the Offboarder will receive a message 10 minutes prior to the designated offboarding time.

  • The Specialist will reset the user’s email password and sign in cookies, disabling email access on all devices.

  • The Specialist will revoke access to Slack.

  • The Specialist will remove any recovery information the user associated with their email account, any applications the user may have connected to, and any groups or Shared Drives the user was part of.

  • The Specialist will then proceed to remaining tasks from the Offboarding Task List, which may vary from customer to customer.

    • If email forwarding was requested, the Specialist will use default routing to set forwarding rules in the G-Suite Admin Portal.

    • If calendar transfer is requested, the Specialist will process a calendar event transfer through the G-Suite Admin Portal. This will not transfer Private events.

    • If a Drive transfer is requested, the Specialist will change ownership of the user’s Drive contents through the G-Suite Admin Portal to the designated receiving user’s Drive.

    • If an Out of Office is requested, the Specialist will enter the User’s account to set an Automatic Reply with the requested message. The account will remain active to allow the automatic reply to function.

    • If an Out of Office message is not requested the Specialist will suspend the email account.

  • The Specialist will then delete, deactivate, or suspend the User from all Electric supported SaaS applications based on the offboarding request.

  • If the Offboarder opted to receive an offboarding summary, Electric will send them an email confirming the actions completed by Electric to offboard the departed employee.

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