Employee Onboarding Requests in Turbine
Turbine Users with Admin or Onboarder roles can submit requests for employee onboarding. Thanks to our standardized request forms, not only can we ensure the accuracy of your request, but we enable you to configure settings based on the unique needs of your business.
⚠️ Planning to schedule 10 or more onboardings at a time? Notify your Customer Success Manager, they can help to ensure timely support for high-volume requests.
The Onboarding Team service hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST for all Electric packages that include the service with Federal Holiday coverage. Hardware Lab services are not available on Federal Holidays.
Onboarding Request Form
An Onboarding Form must be completed for each new hire. To begin working on an Onboarding Request, sign in to your Turbine account. Once signed in, navigate to the People page then click the Start an Onboarding button. This will open the Onboard an Employee form.
The options available to you in this Onboarding Form are dictated by selections made on the Configuration page in Turbine. Only certain Turbine Users will have the permissions required to modify these settings.
Employee Information
The required fields in this section help Electric to build the new employee’s profile and set them up to be successful from Day 1.
Employee Information
Here you’ll provide essential details about the employee including their Name, Employment Type, Title, Manager, and Location. Note that the Manager field is not mandatory, but should be completed if the Manager wants to receive updates about the onboarding. If the Manager field is left blank, they will not receive information about their new employee's onboarding status.
Email Information
In this section, you will need to select the email address for the new hire and whether to send them their email credentials. If you select Yes, Electric will send the new employee a Welcome Email with this information. If you select No, email access will need to be handled internally by your company.
If you, as the requester, want to receive notifications when the onboarding is complete, you may select to receive notifications in this section.
Task Details
This section of the Onboarding Request Form is dedicated to assigning all tasks required to set up the new employee’s laptop, email, and messaging services.
Procure and Provision Hardware
Confirm the device this employee will receive and whether it should be retrieved from existing inventory or purchased as new. In this section, you will also be expected to indicate where the device needs to be shipped to and whether Electric needs to provide provisioning support.
Email Groups
Use this field to tell Electric which distribution lists this employee should be added to.
Add to Calendars
Indicate which company calendars (E.g. Company Events or Office Closures) the new employee should be added to.
Add to Slack/Teams
Depending on how the members of your team communicate, there may be various channels that you want to add the new employee to so that they can collaborate with their teammates (E.g. company announcements, internal support, or team specific channels).
Task List
The Task List will recap your selections from the previous prompts on the Onboarding Request form and outline all default applications that the new hire will require access to prior to their start date. Review the information on this page and add Additional Notes to tasks if applicable. When finished, proceed to the Submit button.
Click here to learn what happens after the Onboarding Request is submitted.
Did you know? Electric has a Draft Mode for Onboarding Requests. This allows you to save your progress on an Onboarding Request so you can pick up where you left off when ready. Check out this article to learn more!