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Employee Offboarding Requests


Turbine Users with Admin or Offboarder roles can submit requests for employee offboarding. Thanks to our standardized request forms, not only can we ensure the accuracy of your request, but we enable you to configure settings based on the unique needs of your business.

⚠️ Planning to schedule 10 or more offboardings at a time? Notify your Customer Success Manager, they can help to ensure timely support for high-volume requests.

The Offboarding Team service hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST across all Electric packages that include the service with Federal Holiday coverage. Hardware Lab services are not available on Federal Holidays.

Offboarding Request Form

To begin working on an Offboarding Request, sign in to your Turbine account. Once signed in, navigate to the People page then click the Start an Offboarding button.

This will open the Offboard an Employee form. Keep reading to learn about the different fields of the offboarding form. This will help you through the process of submitting your request.

Employee Information

The required fields in this section help Electric to align the requested offboarding tasks with the correct user account and device (if applicable).

Employee Information - The name, email address, department, and Manager’s email address associated with the offboarding request.

Device Information - Let Electric know whether the employee has a device that needs to be returned and deprovisioned as part of their offboarding. Based on the email address provided under Employee Information, all devices aligned to the named user will populate in this section automatically and can be selected by you for deprovisioning. Here, you may also select the preferred method for device return shipping: QR Code or Label Only.

When an offboarding request is submitted, the requestor accepts that they will be charged for the device retrieval. The cost is automatically approved when the offboarding request is submitted.

Offboarding Scheduling - Help us understand how quickly this request needs to be processed. For immediate action, select “ASAP”. To schedule offboarding, select “Scheduled” and be prepared to provide the offboard date, time, and time zone.

Notifications - Want to receive notifications related to this request? Use this section to select the type of update(s) you need.

Task List

This page outlines all tasks associated with the offboarding. Review this list closely.

The Remove from Email section of the task list is where you can coordinate for new emails, existing files, and meeting to be forwarded to the employee's manager after the offboarding is completed.

The remaining tasks are related to the employee's application access. If any SaaS applications that the employee uses are not listed, add them via the Add SaaS Application button at the bottom of the screen.

Once all items on the task list have been validated and reviewed, proceed to Submit.

Click here to learn what happens after an Offboarding Request is submitted.

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