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Company Configuration Settings


The Configuration page in Turbine is where your company's default settings, email preferences, standard hardware, and department specific needs are captured. This information should be filled in during Implementation, after your team has completed Turbine enrollment.

There are four sections to complete: Default Access and Settings, Email Formats, Find Hardware, and Department Settings. Each of these is described in this article to help you configure the unique settings for your company.

Where can I find the Configuration page?

The Configuration page can be found via the Company dropdown in Turbine.

Default Access and Settings

Selections made here will be applied to future hires onboarded via request in Turbine. Existing employee settings are not affected. The following are configurations that you can make in this section.

  • Which email group(s) every member of your company should be in. Be sure to include the email handle used to send company-wide correspondence.

  • Specify Slack or Teams channels that every employee should be invited to.

  • Designate the applications all employees should receive access to.

    Don't see an application? Make sure it was added to your Applications page.

  • Confirm the shared calendar(s) access that employees need.

  • If applicable, select your company's SSO provider.

Email Formats

The email formats selected will appear as the only options available when onboarding a new employee. Although Electric will support as many email formats as you need, we suggest keeping variations to a minimum as a best practice.

Find Hardware

In the Find Hardware section, you’ll be asked to find the hardware typically ordered for new hires on Anything added to this list will appear as an option when ordering equipment for a new hire via Turbine.

Electric will order Apple products directly through your Apple Custom Store, not through CDW. However, we still require the CDW link of your Apple Device be provided in Turbine as this helps confirm the preferred device specifications.

Department Settings

This section provides an additional layer of options to ensure department-specific needs are met. Here, you’ll designate department name(s), leadership, communication preferences, and application access. A few things to note:

  • Department Head is a required field.

  • Onboarding requests require a department selection for new hires; failure to identify a department may result in processing errors.

  • New Hires will have default access to their pre-selected department settings. However, individual modifications can be made during the onboarding request process.

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