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Draft Mode for Onboarding Requests


We understand that onboardings are time sensitive. At Electric, our team is trained to begin work on submitted onboarding requests as quickly as possible. As a result, there is not an “Edit” option for submitted onboarding requests.

Recognizing that sometimes there are times when an Onboarding Request is started but cannot be completed, Electric created a "Draft Mode" option in Turbine. This enables Turbine Onboarders to save their progress until they have the time or information needed to submit the request.

Utilizing Draft Mode

When you are submitting an Onboarding Request on the People page in Turbine, there is a Save Progress button. Click this button to save and return to your work later.

Ready to complete the form?

Sign in to Turbine, go to the People page. Find your draft on the Onboardings list and select Continue Draft from the Actions dropdown.

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