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Turbine Reporting: Onboarding & Offboarding Requests


The Onboarding & Offboarding requests dashboard in Turbine provides insights related to your company’s onboarding and offboarding requests. In addition to general information, such as the name of an employee or request completion date, you will find a breakdown of specific tasks completed and your company’s top onboarded and offboarded applications.

What does the dashboard look like?

Key Features

Below are descriptions of the key features of the On/Offboarding reporting dashboard, which include unique metric tiles and dashboard filters to help you review information for a specific time frame.

Insight Tiles

The tiles featured at the top of the page provide an overview of your completed On/Offboardings. There are eight different tiles, each is described below.

  • Employees Onboarded - Number of employees onboarded by Electric (all time).

  • Onboardings - Number of onboardings completed in specified time frame.

  • Offboardings - Number of offboardings completed in specified time frame.

  • Net New Employees - Number of new employees in specified time frame.

  • Annual Employee Growth - Annual percent increase in employees.

  • Onboardings Scheduled Next Month - Onboardings scheduled for next 30 days.

  • Offboardings Scheduled Next Month - Offboardings scheduled for next 30 days.

  • Applications Used - Number of apps used by employees in specified time frame.

Dashboard Filters

By default, the dashboard showcases onboarding and offboarding data for the previous 6 months. However, you can configure the dashboard to represent data from a specified time frame by using the filters above the status tiles. Select your time frame, then click the dashboard refresh button.

Task Counts & Details

The tables below the insight tiles will show you more in-depth information about completed onboardings and offboardings. Interested in seeing how many tasks were associated with an employee’s on/offboarding request? Look for the employee name, then refer to the column labeled Task Count. If you want specific detail about those tasks, click the number in the Task Count column and you will be presented with more information.

Top On/Offboarded Applications

The dashboard will also show you which applications are being onboarded and offboarded for your employees most frequently. An application will fall into one of three categories: Custom, Department, or General. Each is defined below:

  • Custom - An application that was or will be used by a specific employee(s), not by a department or company wide.

  • Department - An application that aligns to roles within a specific department.

  • General - An application used by all employees with your company.

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