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Maintaining Company Configurations


Your company configurations will need to be updated as your company evolves. This article details the common changes that Super Admins and Admins should be prepared to maintain on the Configurations page in Turbine.

Common Configuration Updates

Below are the most common updates our customers need to make to their company configurations throughout their partnership with Electric.

Default Access and Settings

Create/Remove default channels for Slack or Microsoft Teams.

  • Add a group or channel by typing the name into the box. Don’t forget to hit Enter to save the changes.

  • Remove existing selections by clicking the “X” beside the name of the group or channel.

Designate which applications employees should have access to.

  • Add an application via the applications page first. Once that process is complete, the application will be available on the Configurations page.

  • Remove an application by removing it on the Configurations page and associated departments. You will then need to remove it from the Applications page.

Email Formats

Enable more email formats for your company.

  • Add an email format using the + Email Format button.

Find Hardware

Add more hardware options for new onboarding requests.

  • Use the + Hardware Option button at the bottom of the list of hardware to select additional options. Don't forget to include the CDW link, even for Apple products!

Department Settings

Configure settings for a new department.

  • Add a New Department by clicking on the + Department button. Fill in the department information based on the fields provided. Save when finished.

Duplicate a department.

  • For new departments that will have settings similar to one that already exists, click the Duplicate button to the right of the department name you want to replicate. You can make changes to the department as needed (i.e. updating the department name and/or leadership).

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