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How to Enroll in Apple Business Manager


Apple Business Manager is a simple, web-based portal for IT administrators that works with third-party mobile device management (MDM) solutions to deploy Apple devices that your organization has purchased through your Apple Custom Store. As an Electric customer, you may need to enroll your company in Apple Business Manager.

This guide is outlined in three parts:

How to Enroll your Company with Apple Business Manager

How to Confirm Enrollment and Grant Administrator Access

How to Complete your Company's Enrollment with Apple Business Manager

Steps to Enroll Your Company

  1. Go to

  2. Click Enroll Now.

  3. Enter the required information for your company.

    1. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).

    2. Country or Region of your Business.

    3. Telephone Number - populates based on the DUNS, but can be modified.

    4. Business Website URL - This is used to pre-populate Managed Apple IDs. However, if your company’s website URL is different from its registered domain name, you can change it to your company’s registered domain name prior to creating/assigning Managed Apple IDs to other users.

    5. Time Zone and Primary Language.

  4. Enter and review your information.

    1. Name of the individual enrolling on behalf of the organization. Do not use your company title (i.e. IT Coordinator) as it will not be accepted.

    2. A work email address that is not associated with an iTunes or iCloud account and has not been used as an Apple ID for any other Apple service or website.

    3. Your Role/Job Title.

  5. Enter and review the Verification Contact information (i.e. your CEO, CTO, or CFO) - Apple will contact this person to confirm your enrollment. Refer to Confirm Enrollment and Grant Administrator Access below for additional expectations for the Verification Contact.

  6. Click Continue, review the information carefully, then click Submit.

  7. Check your email for a message from Apple Business Manager with the subject “Your Enrollment is In Review”.

During the review process, your Verification Contact is contacted by phone and asked to confirm information about you and your organization before your enrollment is approved. Make sure that any filters allow mail from all domains. Please return any missed phone calls quickly so the enrollment process can proceed smoothly.

Steps to Confirm Enrollment and Grant Administrator Access

It is up to the designated Verification Contact to approve Administrator Access. After Apple speaks with the verification contact and confirms the company information, they will receive an email from Apple Business Manager with the subject line “Thank you for verifying your organization.” Upon receipt, the verification contact should complete the following:

  1. Open the message from Apple Business Manager with the subject line “Thank You for Verifying Your Organization.”

  2. This email will present the option to confirm or deny Administrator Access to a member of the company for Apple Business Manager. The person named in the email will be the person who initially submitted the Apple Business Manager enrollment.

    1. To approve this person for Administrator Access, click the “Confirm [Name of Person]” link in the email

    2. To deny access and re-assign Administrator Access to somebody else, click the “Choose Somebody Else” link, enter that person’s contact information, then Submit.

  3. The verification contact must also check the box indicating they approve the Administrator to accept responsibility for signing the Apple Business Manager Terms & Conditions on behalf of your company.

Once these steps have been completed, the person approved as the Administrator will receive an email from Apple Business Manager with the subject line “Enrollment Complete”.

Steps to Complete Enrollment

After your verification contact approves you, you’ll receive a mail message letting you know your enrollment is approved. You can then create your own Managed Apple ID and approve all the terms and conditions.

  1. Open the email from Apple Business Manager with the subject line “Enrollment Complete”

  2. Click Get Started in the email to open Safari or your default browser.

  3. Enter an email address for you to use as your Managed Apple ID.

  4. Enter a secure password, then confirm it.

  5. Confirm your name, then enter your date of birth.

  6. Enter your cell phone number (must be SMS-enabled)

  7. Select how you would like to obtain secondary verification, click Submit.

  8. You’ll be required to verify both your email address and your phone number.

    1. To verify your email address, look for an email from Apple Business Manager, this will include a verification link.

    2. To verify your phone number, Apple Business Manager will text you a verification code, enter this code when prompted during enrollment.

  9. Select Yes to Accept Terms & Conditions. If you don’t accept, you cannot complete enrollment.

  10. You should immediately create at least one additional administrator account.

⚠️ Once you’ve finished enrollment as an administrator for your company’s Apple Business Manager account, it is highly recommended that you immediately add an additional administrator account. Learn how to add another administrator to your account here.

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