FAQ: Shipping
Shipping plays a big role in how Electric supports our customers. This article helps to address some of the more common questions related to the device shipping process.
Best Practices
Are signatures required for devices being shipped from Electric?
Yes, signatures are required for any devices that are being shipped from Electric.
Does Electric ship internationally?
No, Electric does not ship internationally.
Are packages insured?
Yes, all packages are insured with the estimated value of the item. Items that originate from Electric and whose condition and estimated values can be verified can be insured for up to $3,000 max. Devices that are being sent/returned to Electric are insured for no more than $999. Because of limits with UPS insurance, we have to ship laptops individually to be certain your device is covered properly.
Can Electric send me a packaging materials to ship devices back to Electric?
No, Electric will not provide a box or packaging materials to return devices. If a QR code return is being processed, packaging will be provided by The UPS Store when a device is dropped off. If a label only return is being processed, you must provide your own packaging.
I have a Label Only Return. How should I package my device?
Please refer to the UPS Packing Guidelines. Electric will not be responsible for label only returns that are non-compliant with UPS best practices; any costs incurred due to package refusal/nondelivery will be billable to the customer.
I have a QR Code Return. How should I package my device?
Packaging for any device being processed with a QR code will be managed by The UPS Store. Electric’s customers are not responsible for providing a box/packaging materials for QR code returns.
Carrier Information
What carrier does Electric use to ship devices?
At this time, Electric only ships devices via UPS. Unless otherwise requested, all labels facilitated by Electric will be UPS Ground. Additional fees for shipping upgrades will be billed to the customer.
Can Electric use my UPS/FedEx account?
No, Electric cannot utilize a customer’s UPS/FedEx account for shipping requests.
Can Electric schedule a UPS pickup for me?
No, Electric does not schedule pickups.
Where should I drop off a Label Only Return?
Upon receipt of a shipping label, we kindly ask customers to utilize UPS resources to schedule a pickup or find a drop-off location to ship their device.
Where should I drop off a QR Code Return?
Upon receipt of the QR code, we kindly ask customers to utilize UPS resources to find the nearest UPS store to ship their device. The return must be completed at a The UPS Store retail location; UPS Access Points cannot complete QR code returns.
Costs and Payment Methods
How much does shipping cost?
Shipping costs are based on the type of handling required, where the item is being shipped, and when it is needed. For more specific details on shipping costs, visit this article. Please note, all costs are per packaged device. We do not permit the shipment of more than one device per package.
What is included with shipping costs?
When Electric coordinates device procurement for your organization, you aren’t just paying for a shipping label. Our shipping services may also cover device handling, cleaning, packaging, target-date delivery, shipping insurance, and more.
Will I need to approve shipping costs before a device is shipped?
Shipping costs are approved during the procurement request process. The prices are standardized for your convenience and all-in-one costing.
How do I pay the shipping cost(s)?
Electric will charge all shipping costs to the payment method on file for hardware procurements. If you do not have a valid payment method on file, your shipment(s) will not be able to be processed. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you need to add or update your payment method.
Devices and Peripherals
How does Electric define a device?
A device is a laptop, desktop, or computer monitor. When you see the word “device” used in any of our online resources, this is the equipment we are referring to. However, please be advised that Electric is only able to store and provision laptop devices.
What is a peripheral?
Simply put, peripherals are computer accessories. There is a lot of equipment that can fall into this category, but Electric generally uses this term with reference to things such as keyboards, mice, monitors, and headsets.
Tracking and Delivery
Will I get tracking information?
Yes, when a shipping label is created by Electric, our logistics team will add the email address provided at the time of the request to receive shipping notifications from the carrier. An email notification will be sent when the item has shipped if the delivery date has changed, and to confirm the item has been delivered. Tracking information may also be found in Turbine under Hardware Requests Reporting.
Are delivery dates guaranteed?
Shipping costs provide an estimated delivery time from UPS and do not guarantee that the item will be delivered on that date and time. The goal is for a target date delivery based on the customer's request. Once the item has shipped, this cost will not be refunded.
A device shipped by Electric was lost in transit. What should I do?
In the event your device is lost in transit, please notify Electric via Slack/Teams. While we cannot take responsibility for shipments lost by the carrier, we can assist with the claims process. Claims must be filed with UPS within 60-days of the estimated delivery date.