
Learn how Electric can help manage Malwarebytes updates, policies, and threat remediations so customers like you don't have to!

Updated over a week ago


Electric partners with Malwarebytes, a best-in-class End-point Detection & Response solution, to protect your company's devices. This article will tell you more about what Malwarebytes is, how to determine whether your company needs it, and how Electric can support the implementation and day-to-day use of this software.

Malwarebytes Overview

Malwarebytes is an End-point Detection & Response (EDR) solution that can find and remove malware from your devices, ensuring your company and customer data remain secure. Regardless of where your employees work, Malwarebytes enables you to monitor and address threats quickly through a cloud-based admin portal. Malwarebytes has products that support Windows and MacOS workstations and servers, all of which can be implemented for you by Electric.

Who needs Malwarebytes?

If your company does not already have an antivirus solution, are unhappy with your current provider, or do not have adequate time to manage your current solution in house, talk to your Customer Success Manager about Malwarebytes today.

Malwarebytes Deployment Process

From initial software deployment to threat resolution, Electric will free up your team's time by facilitating the implementation and day-to-day management of Malwarebytes. What's more, is that customers can take advantage of a unique, discounted rate* on Malwarebytes licenses when they partner with Electric.

At a high-level, the following activities will occur during the implementation of Malwarebytes for your company. Expand each section to learn more.


Evaluation of up to 1 current antivirus solution, proposal of project timeline and implementation plan.


Build customer site in Malwarebytes Admin Console, apply Electric's default policy settings (endpoint agent, tamper protection, etc.), and create device management installation policies.


Device testing and organization-wide deployment of Malwarebytes via device management software (Jamf Pro/Kaseya).


Electric Project Manager will provide documentation and training resources to customer for new users. User training is scheduled by project team.

Once implemented, Electric will monitor and resolve threats detected by Malwarebytes on behalf of your company for all licensed devices. Thanks to the integration of Malwarebytes with Electric's Turbine platform, you can view insights into your company's endpoint security via the Malwarebytes Reporting dashboard in Turbine at any time.

*Rates are subject to individual customer needs. Talk to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.

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