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Turbine Reporting: Requests Data


The Requests Data dashboard, found in Turbine, can be used by Turbine users to view insights associated with your end users' experience with Electric's Service Desk.

What does the dashboard look like?

The data presented on this dashboard will vary based on your company's package.

Customers with our Core Package will see metrics for chat and email support. Customers with our Basic Package will see metrics for email support only. For both packages, email support will include requests submitted to the Electric User Hub.

Key Dashboard Features

Insight Tiles

The tiles featured at the top of the page provide an overview of key request metrics such as Most Requested Applications for Approval, Users who have submitted 25+ Requests, Open/Closed Requests, Net CSAT Score, and Median Minutes to Resolution.

Dashboard Filters

Use the filtering options at the top of the dashboard to configure data to represent a specified time frame and/or request category. Pick the timeframe from the “Created Date” dropdown and choose the “Close Parent Category” based on the ticket type you’re looking for (i.e. Approval), then click the refresh button to update the dashboard.

Chat Transcripts

The Requests Data Dashboard can surface the conversations between your end-users and Electric’s Service Desk that occur via chat. Chat transcripts will tell you why your end-users are contacting Electric, how long their ticket was open, and more! Click here to learn where and how to view these insights.

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