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Turbine Reporting: Annual Summary


The Annual Summary dashboard, found in Turbine, can be used to see the a summary of services provided by Electric in a calendar year. The dashboard features three sections: About You, Device Summary, and IT Requests Summary. Keep reading to learn what information you can expect to find within each.

Key Features

About You

This section is a high-level overview of your company's experience with Electric. Here you'll see your next contract renewal date, plan type, length of time as a customer, number of hardware tickets Electric resolved in the year, and number of projects completed.

Device Summary

The Device Summary section provide insights to your company's devices. See how many Mac and/or Windows devices in use, the percentage of encrypted devices and devices assigned to end users, as well as the status of devices in storage at Electric.

IT Requests Summary

This is the section where all Service Desk interactions from the calendar year will be captured. This covers a lot of information, but most notably, your annual count of onboardings and offboardings, annual CSAT rating, positive written feedback from CSAT surveys throughout the year, and annual approval requests processed.

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