Supported Employees
When you view the People page in Turbine, you'll see a list of your company's Supported Employees. These are employees who leverage Electric products and/or services and will count toward the contracted employee count on your contract.
What are Supported Employees?
Supported Employees meet one or more of the following criteria:
Employees marked as supported during Implementation.
Full Time Employees created via Turbine Onboarding.
Employees who have contacted Electric's Service Desk for Support.
Employees who have a device assigned to them.
Employees who have access to the Electric User Hub.
Employees who have been manually marked as supported, per the request of a company admin.
The list of Supported Employees is automatically updated every evening.
Can I see my company's Supported Employee Count in real-time?
Supported Employee Count is available to customers with Turbine access via the Supported Employees reporting dashboard. You can find more information about this reporting here. This dashboard also enables you to compare your current Supported Employees Count to your Contracted Employees Count.
How can I add an employee to the Supported Employees list?
As mentioned above, there are various ways that an employee can be marked as supported. If you, as a Turbine Admin, notice that an employee is not marked supported but should be, contact Electric to make the update. Your Customer Success Manager and Electric’s Service Desk can help facilitate this change.
Can employees be removed or excluded from the Supported Employees list?
Yes, there are two methods for excluding an employee from the Supported Employees list. First, offboarding an employee will remove them from the Supported Employees list automatically. For scenarios that are not related to an offboarding, contact Electric to have the Supported Employee removed from the support list.
Similarly, if an employee is not yet designated as a Supported Employee and you want to prohibit them from receiving support, contact Electric and request to have the employee excluded.