Support for Client Security Controls
This article describes Electric’s standard implementation of client security controls for in-scope systems and in support of compliance initiatives dependent on the utilization of these controls. Some features are limited to Core Package customers only, please check with your Customer Success Manager if you have further questions.
Electric provides many controls to support the core of an information security program but is not responsible for all in-scope controls or writing customer company policies.
Supported Systems and Platforms
The specific implementation of controls is limited to in-scope and supported systems and platforms. Systems and platforms typically include workstations, networking equipment and SaaS platforms such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. Supported systems include business-grade equipment that is actively supported by the vendor as well as Electric.
Access Management
Complex passwords, password rotation and multi-factor authentication (MFA) can be enabled for all in-scope systems that support it. User access can be managed for all supported SaaS applications and platforms through Turbine.
Change Management
User access changes requested to Electric are vetted through designated, authorized client contacts prior to execution. These stakeholders are provide the opportunity to review, approve/reject, and provide feedback on the request to Electric. Requested changes will not be actioned without approval from the designated stakeholder(s).
Inventory Management
Turbine provides reporting on device inventory and certain security configurations for all in-scope and actively managed workstations.
Workstation Management
Electric can help enable complex passwords and password rotation can be enabled for all in-scope systems that support it. This is most often implemented by Electric through System Hardening. System Hardening, also referred to as Workstation Hardening, is the process of securing the device to reduce vulnerability to potential attacks. The benefits to System Hardening include:
Restrict local administrative access on workstations as requested.
Securely wipe devices as requested by a designated approver.
Monitor certain configurations for all managed workstations and report in Turbine.
System Hardening is enforced by Electric through device management software like Jamf Pro (for Macs) and Kaseya (for Windows) to deploy and maintain default security controls on enrolled devices.
Network and Server Management
For an additional charge, Electric can help implement network and server management tools (Firewall/Switch/WiFi) as an additional security measure. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you are interested in learning more.