Procurement Email Notifications
Email notifications for procurements requested through Electric will vary based on the scope of the request and availability of equipment. There are certain milestones in the procurement process that trigger email notifications to the Requester and/or the Receiving Employee.
Below, we indicate the types of notifications you can expect for our most common procurement scenarios and whether they are received by the Requester (R) or Receiving Employee (RE).
Procurement Notifications
Device Shipping to Customer
Request Submitted, Pending Approval - R
Request Not Finalized, Pending Approval (Reminder) - R
Procurement In Process, Approval/Payment Received - R
Procurement Device Backordered** - R
Procurement Canceled** - R
Device In-Transit to Receiving Employee (includes Tracking Number) - R, RE
Device Delivered to Receiving Employee - R, RE
Device Shipping to Electric
Request Submitted, Pending Approval - R
Request Not Finalized, Pending Approval (Reminder) - R
Procurement In Process, Approval/Payment Received - R
Procurement Device Backordered** - R
Procurement Canceled** - R
Device In-Transit to Electric HQ (for Storage or Provisioning) - R
Device Delivered to Electric HQ (for Storage or Provisioning) - R
For devices procured to Electric for provisioning, email notifications will trigger as final provisioning tasks are completed. This is approximately 24 hours prior to the date a device is due. The Requester and Receiving Employee will then also receive an email when the device is In Transit (includes Tracking Number) and when the device is Delivered.
**Indicates a situational email notification; these will only be sent if a requested procurement is backordered or denied/canceled.
Please note: To ensure the Receiving Employee is on the distribution list for procurement notifications, their email address must be included in your initial request. Failure to provide this information may result in email notifications being delivered to the requester only.