How do I Chat with Electric?
Real-time Support via chat is available to customers with Electric's Core Package 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. With Electric's Core Package, this service is available to designated admins and employees alike. For Basic Package customers, only designated admins (up to 5) will be permitted to chat with Electric.
This article will tell you how to chat with Electric and the type of information you can provide to help us troubleshoot.
Steps to Chat with Electric
To begin, you will need to have the Electric app in Slack or Microsoft Teams. Search for Electric, then favorite the app so that you can easily access it next time you need our help! Please note, Electric does not support Slack Enterprise Grid
Not sure which app you're looking for?
Look for the pink and white logo that features our signature Electric bolt ⚡️

Once you've confirmed you have the Electric app, proceed to the steps below.
Open the Electric App via Slack or Teams.
Send a brief chat message to start your request.
Electric will respond with a 3-question form. The information that you provide in response will help us route your request to the right technician. Once this questionnaire has been submitted, a Service Desk Technician will respond to your request within 10-minutes!
See this process demonstrated in Slack
See this process demonstrated in Teams
Help Us Help You!
The more details you provide upfront, the more effectively we can troubleshoot your request. Here are some questions you can answer for us:
What is the issue that you’re having?
What happened leading up to the issue?
How long has this been an issue?
What previous steps did you take to try to resolve?
What is the scope of the issue - is it affecting other people?
What is the Serial Number of the device experiencing the issue?
What is the name of the application you're having an issue with?
What tools do you use to access the application (i.e. internet browser)?
If you can, provide screenshots of your experience (i.e. an error message).