FAQ: Turbine Reporting
This article provides answers to commonly asked questions about the reporting available in Turbine.
Conversation Transcripts
Why do some rows link to a conversation transcript and some do not?
Email interactions with our service desk do not sync to Turbine at this time. At this time, only chat transcripts are available in Turbine. We are working on making email conversations visible in the future!
How can I see Chat Transcripts between Electric and my End Users?
Click here to learn more.
Why are chat transcripts occasionally blank?
The dashboard will only log transcripts if a conversation occurs between an end user and our Service Desk team. If you find a blank transcript, it’s likely you are viewing a ticket associated with onboarding or offboarding tasks, which do not typically require end-user/agent correspondence.
Data Reconciliation
How often is Reporting Data updated?
Once every hour.
There is missing/null data for response times, why?
There are certain interactions that do not sync with the Requests Dashboard. These include instances where a user contacts Electric for help and subsequently withdraws the request before an Agent can respond, tickets opened outside of regular service hours, and Turbine on/offboarding tickets.
Hardware Request Reporting
What does “Request Waiting on Customer” mean?
These are tickets that require action from you or another designated person at your company. Whether it’s an approval or a payment that needs to be processed, this must be completed before Electric can execute the ticket. If you are not sure what action you need to take, please reach out to the Service Desk or your Customer Success Manager.
Tracking information says it’s Pending, when can I expect this to update?
Tracking information will appear when it is made available by UPS. Other factors, such as type of shipping and when the label was created, may also have an impact on when tracking becomes available.
Malwarebytes Reporting
I need help understanding the difference between a Detection and an Event.
A Detection is when a threat is found on a device. Events are the remediations/other actions taken in response to a thread, or any other endpoint-related activity. Examples of Events may include: When a device is registered/unregistered, when a threat scan is a success/failure, or when a threat is cleaned.
I think my company should have more devices active with Malwarebytes than I see on this dashboard.
This discrepancy may be the result of a couple different things:
When devices are wiped and/or wiped and re-assigned to another user, it is possible the device was not re-enrolled in Malwarebytes as a part of the Electric RMM process.
Devices without serial numbers or other identifiers, such as a custom made device or devices not created by a major manufacturer may not be visible in this data.
For help troubleshooting, submit a request to the Electric User Hub or via chat.
Why are my Scans blank?
This happens when devices are not configured to be scanned. Please make sure that your company devices are configured to be scanned. If this does not resolve the issue, please submit a request to the Electric User Hub or via chat.
I have purchased Malwarebytes with my Electric service, but cannot see the report in Turbine’s Reporting Hub?
Please contact your Customer Success Manager. Not all Electric customers have Malwarebytes, so before the team can enable this reporting, Electric will need to confirm it is included on your contract.
What do I do if I see “Scheduled Threat Scan Failure” on my 7-day log?
Threat scans are subject to failure if the device was powered off at the time of the scan scheduled. This should resolve as long as the device is turned on during the next scheduled scan. If this event is repeated in the subsequent 7-day period, please contact Electric via the Electric User Hub or via chat.
Why can I see devices in the Malwarebytes dashboard that I cannot see in other Turbine dashboards?
The majority of the Turbine reporting reflects the devices assigned to an end-user and enrolled in Mobile Device Management (MDM). Electric’s MDM scope is limited to Mac and PC; it is possible the discrepancy is caused by scans running on devices that are not enrolled in MDM support. Electric’s goal for customers is to have all devices enrolled in both Malwarebytes and MDM to ensure the best protection of the device. If you think there is a discrepancy that can be addressed, please contact Electric via the Electric User Hub or via chat
Requests Data Reporting
What should I do if I cannot find a ticket I need to reference?
First, double check the date filters (don’t forget to hit the pink “Refresh” button!) to make sure the date aligns with your search. If this still doesn’t yield the information you need, contact your Customer Success Manager.
How are tickets categorized by Electric?
Click here to learn more.
How is the CSAT Score calculated?
Click here to learn more.