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Electric User Hub | Gigawatt

👋 😊 Welcome to the resource page for Gigawatt!

Here you'll find an overview of Gigawatt, an experimental feature of the Electric User Hub. At this time, Gigawatt is only available to select Electric customers to support the testing and evolution of this new tool.

As Gigawatt continues to evolve, the content on this page will be updated as needed to ensure Beta participants have all the information they need.

What is Gigawatt?

The Gigawatt page in the Electric User Hub enables Hub Users to get help with access and IT issues with the help of a virtual, AI-powered, IT Advisor. Gigawatt has access to information about each Hub User's device, including the device model, storage capacity, and which security measures are (or aren't) enabled. This creates pointed responses that are relevant to the use case of the Hub User that is interacting with Gigawatt, enabling the user to resolve their issue faster.

How do I talk to Gigawatt?

Gigawatt is accessible only to select customers via the Electric User Hub. To find the Gigawatt page, first sign in to the Electric User Hub.

Once signed in to the Electric User Hub, click on Gigawatt from the main navigation toolbar. To begin a conversation, enter a message or question in the "Send a Message" box and then click Send. You may also hit the Enter or Return key on your keyboard to send a message.

Upon receipt of your message, Gigawatt will respond with an appropriate answer.

What questions can I ask?

Gigawatt is an IT Support tool. For the best experience, ask questions about your specific device or the applications that you use day-to-day. Some examples of questions you may ask Gigawatt include:

  • Where can I find my device's Serial Number?

  • Does my computer have Firewall enabled?

  • I need help resetting my Zoom password.

Remember, Gigawatt is a newer tool and is continuing to learn more information every day. Some responses are subject to inaccuracies as we continue to test and improve this feature.

FAQs about Gigawatt

Where does Gigawatt get information from?

Gigawatt has been trained on Electric's Knowledge Base to provide answers to questions about Electric's products and services. Device diagnostics are made available to Gigawatt via device management software such as Jamf and/or Kaseya.

How does Gigawatt use the information about my device's health?

Having access to information about device health enables Gigawatt to provide more pointed responses. Factors such as device manufacturer, model, and storage capacity will impact how certain IT issues can be resolved. The more information Gigawatt has, the more efficient it can be in helping you troubleshoot problems.

Can I ask Gigawatt questions about another employee's device(s)?

Not at this time.

Why are questions limited?

Queries are limited because Gigawatt is still an experimental feature, it does not presently have the capacity to answer an unlimited number of questions.

How can I provide feedback about my experience with Gigawatt?

Talk to your Customer Success Manager. They can relay feedback and possibly connect you with Electric's Product team.

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