Threatdown | FAQ
What does Threatdown do for my organization?
Threatdown EDR is a non-disruptive, lightweight endpoint agent that helps detect & protect against “zero-day” threats.
How does a new user get onboarded to Threatdown?
Specific user accounts do not need to be created for this application to work.
Application deployment will be as follows:
Quickstart customers: The POC selected during deployment will be provided with installer links to share with all end users to install Threatdown.
When an onboarding/offboarding request is submitted, The App Champion will be notified via ITHub to add or remove a device from Threatdown.
All other customers: The application will be pushed automatically to the end user’s device as soon as it is registered in Turbine or ITHub.
Can I make changes to the Threatdown policies or settings?
Yes, an administrative account is provided to a single POC specified in the deployment questionnaire.
What training resources/documentation are available for my team?
You can find additional support materials here.
What type of information can I see in IT Hub?
Threatdown information will be visible in the Security tab of ITHub after project completion.
How can a user see/confirm that Threatdown is installed on their device?
On Mac:
Open up Finder > File pathway: /private/var/log/com.Threatdown.EndpointAgent.log
On Windows:
Open the Search Bar or Control Panel> Add/Remove Program > “Threatdown”
OR Navigate to C:\Program Files\Threatdown Endpoint Agent\
What is the difference between Protected and Scan Only status?

The differences in protection status can be found here. To get a device from scan only into protected mode, the user must allow full disk access. This is more common on Mac machines. The Electric Endpoint team can help enable full disk encryption if the customer is on MDM. Enable FDA via this link.
Can I access reports for Threatdown?
This information can readily be found in the Security tab of IT Hub or the Threatdown Reporting tab in Turbine. If more granular reporting is needed, please submit a ticket and we’ll be happy to assist.