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Breach Secure Now | FAQ

What does Breach Secure Now do for my organization?

  • Breach Secure Now is an innovative security awareness platform dedicated to educating individuals on cybersecurity best practices, including phishing prevention training.

How does a new user get onboarded to Breach Secure Now?

  • If SSO was selected during deployment, all new users to your Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 tenant will be added to Breach Secure Now automatically.

  • If Ad-hoc was selected during deployment, instructions on how to add a user can be found here.

I’m receiving alerts that my company’s ESS is under 630. What does that mean?

  • Each employee will be given an Employee Secure Score (ESS). This score is generated by combining many of the key metrics listed below. You can think of your ESS as a credit score for your security strength. The higher the ESS, the more likely you are to defend against a data breach.

  • Tips for maximizing your ESS:

    • You’ll receive ESS points for acknowledging all policies & procedures.

    • The more micro-training quizzes you miss, the more it will negatively impact your ESS.

    • Falling for a phishing email will negatively impact your ESS.

  • The leaderboard within your Dashboard lets you compete head-to-head with your co-workers to see who has the highest ESS! Don’t forget to pick a good screen name within the Edit Profile section. Have fun and enjoy the healthy competition!

What action should I take if my company’s ESS is under 630?

  • Electric and Breach Secure Now recommend encouraging end users to increase their ESS by taking additional micro-quizzes and training

Can I make changes to the Breach Secure Now policies or settings?

  • Yes, an administrative account is provided to a single POC specified in the deployment questionnaire.

What happens if a new Phishing Scenario is added to an existing campaign?

  • If you have phishing campaigns currently scheduled for your clients and have elected to "include new scenarios," the above new scenarios will be included in future campaigns as long as they fit inside your chosen parameters. You may check and review this article for your reference "Automated Phishing Campaigns"

Are there any suggestions for my company around Policies and Procedures?

  • Yes, please see the link here for more information on this feature.

What can you tell me about the Dark Web Feature?

  • While Dark Web Notifications are included in your subscription, it is not something we are able to set up or the service desk supports at this time. If you’d like to set it up on your own, more information can be found here.

How do I remove an employee or service account that I don’t want to have a BSN account?

  • If you’ve chosen ad-hoc users, simply delete the user from the User Management section in BSN.

  • If SSO with Directory Sync was setup, only users added to the BSN-Employees or BSN-Managers Group will be added to Breach Secure Now automatically. To remove an account from BSN, first remove the user from the group, and then navigate to the User Management section of Breach Secure Now and delete the user there.

What training resources/documentation are available for my team?

  • Please see the manager guide here.

  • Please see the employee guide here.

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