Manually adding employees allows you to add employees after the initial CSV upload or if you prefer to walk through each employee's details individually. This method provides flexibility and ensures that all necessary information is accurately entered for each new hire.
Adding a single employee:
To add a single employee:
Log in to the IT Hub
Select Active employees from the People section in the left menu
Select the 'Add employee’ button in the upper right corner of the table
Select if you are onboarding a new hire or existing employee
Fill in the form with your employee’s
First Name
Last Name
Personal Email
Select the Next button
Fill in the form with your employee’s
Start Date
Work Email
Select the Next button
Select if you would like to grant the employee access to applications and/or hardware
Select the Next button
If applications were selected, choose what group(s) you would like to add your employee to
Select finish
You can always choose to onboard an employee at a later date via the employee detail page. To do this, do not select applications or hardware in step 9, and instead, click the ‘Set employee as active’ button.
You will also be given the choice to set the employee as inactive by selecting the link ‘Set as inactive’
If you are the hardware champion, you will immediately be taken to the storefront to choose hardware for your employees.
If the onboarding champion and hardware champion are different people, the hardware champion will be given the task of equipping the new hire.