Avanan is a cloud-native email security solution, to prevent malware and phishing from spreading among your employees. This article was created as a resource for customers that have recently implemented Avanan with Electric.
If your company is not using Avanan yet, click here to learn more about the features of this solution.
Usage Guidelines
Once your company has implemented Avanan with Electric, Electric will support license procurement, solution deployment to assigned employees, post-deployment monitoring and management, systems administration, and billing management. However, there are some components of this tool that all users should understand.
Email Reports
Avanan's Daily Quarantine Digest enables Admins to email a daily report to their employees about junk/spam and quarantined emails. The email received by employees includes a detailed report of emails sent to the employee that have been quarantined in the previous 24 hours.
To learn more about what information is included in the Quarantine Digest and how to configure the report, check out this article in Avanan's support center.
Quarantined Email Restoration
You may see an email in Quarantine that you want to have restored. To learn more about the process for requesting a restore from quarantine, check out this article in Avanan's support center.
Additional Support
If you require further assistance with your company's Avanan account, contact Electric!