How to Uninstall Jamf Pro

Instructions for removing Jamf Pro from your device.

Updated over a week ago


Electric uses Jamf Pro, a Mobile Device Management (MDM) software to enable IT administrators to secure, control and enforce default security controls and applications on company-owned Macs. This article describes the process for uninstalling Jamf Pro.

⚠️ Please do not remove Jamf Pro from your device unless you have been instructed to do so by Electric or a company admin.

Steps to Uninstall Jamf Pro

The process for uninstalling Jamf Pro will vary depending on the version of operating software (OS) on your device. Expand the header below that describes your current operating software to find the process that best suits your device.

Uninstall Jamf Pro with MacOS Ventura

  1. On your Macbook's home screen, navigate to System Preferences.

  2. Select Privacy & Security from the menu.

  3. Under Privacy & Security, scroll down to the category labeled Other and then select Profiles.

  4. Select MDM Profile, then click the Remove (βž–) button.

  5. Copy the following bolded text: sudo jamf removeframework

  6. Paste the text in the Terminal window, hit Enter on your keyboard.

  7. Next, your device will prompt you to provide your password. Enter your password, keeping in mind that you will not see characters appear in the window when typing in your password.

  8. Successfully entering your password will confirm the requested action and complete the process.

Uninstall Jamf Pro with MacOS Monterey (or earlier OS versions)

  1. On your Macbook's home screen, navigate to System Preferences.

  2. Click on the Profiles icon.

  3. Select MDM Profile, then click the Remove (βž–) button.

  4. Copy the following bolded text: sudo jamf removeframework

  5. Paste the text in the Terminal window, hit Enter on your keyboard.

  6. Next, your device will prompt you to provide your password. Enter your password, keeping in mind that you will not see characters appear in the window when typing in your password.

  7. Successfully entering your password will confirm the requested action and complete the process.

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