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Electric IT Hub | Tasks


Tasks are essential features in managing your IT operations. Tasks in the IT Hub are designed to help all users organize, prioritize, and complete their task work in a single destination. Tasks provide a structured way to track tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.

Purpose of Tasks

Each task includes details such as a title, description, date, requesting team member, and assigned team member. This allows users to break down large projects into smaller, manageable steps, ensuring clarity and focus. Tasks are helpful in your fast-paced environments where keeping track of multiple requests is important for employee productivity.

For businesses, task management systems can also provide valuable insights through reporting and compliance. Managers can monitor task completion rates, identify bottlenecks, and adjust workloads as needed. They can also export the lists of requested access for audits and compliance purpose, such as SOC2. This fosters a more organized and productive work environment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both the organization and the employees.

How to Manage Tasks

Step 1: From the top menu, on the right side, click on the checkmark – hovering over with the cursor will display “Tasks”.

Step 2: Utilize the filters as necessary to view the Tasks most relevant to your current workflow.

Step 3: Click into a task to view additional information about how to complete or action the item.

Viewing Tasks - Permissions

Administrators of the IT Hub account will be able to view tasks across their organization.

Employees without the admin role will only be able to see the tasks assigned to them to action upon.

Tasks that are completed via an automation connected in the IT Hub will be reflected as assigned to Electric, and the automated completion will be displayed on the task table.

Viewing Tasks - Assignments

Administrators of the IT Hub account can ensure tasks are routed to the right people by adjusting the assignee settings. Go to request category settings to update your preferences.

To customize assignees for individual apps, update the App Champion on the application's settings page. Your changes will take effect immediately for all future generated tasks from that point.

In the current setup, while multiple individuals can be assigned to a request category or an application, only one individual will be randomly selected to handle each task when the task is created and get assigned as such in the interface.

However, all champions will receive a notification of the tasks on a “cc” email (pictured below example in Gmail).

Why does IT Hub allow only one assignee per task?
This approach prevents duplication of effort and avoids confusion about who is responsible for completing the request on the behalf of their coworker.

Jane Doe and John Doe are both assigned to the application category as application champions. Their coworker, Alex, submits a request to reset their password for the company’s HR portal. IT Hub will randomly select Jane to handle the request and a task will be created and assigned to Jane. This ensures that only Jane is responsible for resetting the password from the admin portal, rather than both Jane and John attempting to perform the same task. Alex only receives one new password reset from Jane’s action – instead of two resets for the same application from each champion, ensuring efficiency and clarity in the completion of Alex’s request.

Future enhancements:
In upcoming updates, IT Hub will allow features such as reassignment and assignee preferences, offering greater flexibility and further refining the task assignment process.

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